Monday, February 05, 2007

sunrise or sunset?

I spent 4 days of last week in Florida for work. Never been there before. Felt kind of weird. We were on the Atlantic side of the penninsula and our hotel was right on the beach. Nice! But since we were cooped up in meetings all day, there wasn't much chance to enjoy the outdoors.

The last day I was there though, I walked down to the beach at around 6:30AM for a peace of mind and a sunrise.

Having spent most of my life in California, I had never seen the sun rise over a huge body of water. Only sunset. The deep red of the sun spotted the hovering clouds like blotches of ink picked up by a sponge. It was really cool.

Another really memorable sunrise was one I saw in Jerusalem. My buddy and I waited in the blistering cold outside of Dome of the Rock after the morning prayer to watch the sunrise over the mountain. The first light on the horizon struck the dome and made the whole thing glow. The radiance, I must say, was truly immaculate.

So...are you a sunrise person or a sunset person? Guys, you can answer this question too and I promise I wont think any less of you.

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